1.None Discrimination

ARDI is being guided by the principle that no one in any way is intentionally excluded or denied of his/her rights to participate or benefit from our intervention activities/programmes. All people, whether women or men, boys or girls, adults or young, able or disable are treated equally regardless of their race, religion, sex, family background or economic status. Nepotism, gender segregation, hatred and tribalism are totally discouraged at all course and cannot be tolerated.

Neutrality and Independence

Neutrality and Independence

As a none profit making and none governmental organization, our work is always free from politics and do not take side in any matters of concern when dealing with our partners including government institutions. We mobilize, maximized and utilized our available resources to deliver on our own rather than being reliance, vulnerable and dependent.

Agility and Flexibility

As we strive to grow and develop, we are all the time quick in learning and adapting to new things/information in any changing humanitarian environment/context where we are implementing our programmes

Be exemplar in disseminating and depending all peoples’ rights

This means that our actions and behaviors should always show respect for human rights and dignity whenever and wherever we come into contact with our clients, partners, beneficiaries and even among the Organization’s staff. We take lead in depending and passing information regarding all peoples’ rights including the rights of people living with disabilities and the minorities.

Do no harm

Agenda for Relief and Development Initiative-SouthSudan interventions and activities are and shall always be implemented based on “Do No Harm” Principle. Given the nature of our intervention and program delivery, we shall always make sure that our intervention activities do not put our beneficiaries, Clients, partners and any one we work with at risk. Our approaches are based on Humanitarian Principles that we always abide by.