Agenda for Relief and Development Initiative-South Sudan (ARDI-SS) is a leading national non-governmental organization founded as a nonprofit making Humanitarian Organization responding to rural communities’ issues in South Sudan. We do so because we strongly believe that human and societal development can best be achieved through collective participation and partnership among the various entities of interest; the duty bearers, service providers, the beneficiaries and other stakeholders. Including international, national, state and community levels for which Agenda for Relief and Development Initiative-South Sudan (ARDI-SS) is anchored.

We work closely with government and other developmental partners to build local capacities and resilience to overcome human suffering in the events that citizens are affected by calamities resulting in displacements resulting from inter-communal conflict, environmentally-instigated floods, and droughts. Agenda for Relief and Development Initiative-South Sudan (ARDI-SS) is registered with the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission with Reg. No: (4780). Its headquarters is in Jebel Market-Juba, South Sudan, and its Field Offices are in the Six states of Northern Bahr el Ghazal-Aweil town, Warrap – Kuajok town, Western Bahr el Ghazal-Wau Darjah, Lakes – Rumbek-Malual kudi, Upper Nile-Renk town and Jonglei-Bor Malualchuot.

WASH Program
Child friendly space activity in the center supported by ARDI-SS
Child-friendly space activity in the center supported by ARDI-SS

ARDI-SS aims to deliver effective relief and development initiatives focusing on disaster preparedness, emergency response, and resilience building in protracted circumstances, and post-emergency development phases. Our strategic approach to mitigating disaster/emergencies is to conduct a rapid appraisal of every situation to inform the appropriate action to take. ARDI works directly with the affected communities, through their leaders, stakeholders, and partners local, national, and international.

ARDI Vision

“A rights-conscious and transformed society”

ARDI perceives a changed society built on love, justice, and peace in which citizens live in respect for the individual’s rights and have opportunities to develop themselves in holistic perspectives

ARDI Mission Statement

“To save lives, promote self-reliance and dignity through human transformation beyond relief and development”

Our Strategic Goal

The overall goal of ARDI-SS is to contribute to the alleviation of hardships faced by the populations affected by conflict and climatic disasters in South Sudan and to restore their dignity and rights to safe livelihoods security, socio-economic opportunities, and to participate in decision-making on matters that directly affect their lives.

